
Eitan Muller

Research Professor of Marketing
Stern School of Business, New York University.
Previous positions held at the University of Pennsylvania, Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University, and Reichman University (IDC).
Ph.D. in Managerial Economics, and MBA (awarded with distinction),
Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University.
B.Sc. in Mathematics (awarded with distinction),
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
Recipient of the 2019 Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award of the European Marketing Academy, awarded for outstanding marketing scholarship and contributions to the European Marketing Academy.
Fellow of the European Marketing Academy.
Member of the Editorial Board, Policy Board & previous Area Editor and Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Previous Vice President Publications, European Marketing Academy.
Previous Area Editor and/or Member of the Editorial Review Board, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing,
Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
​Consultant and expert witness in the entertainment, media and technology industries. Most of the consulting was done as subject matter expert at the Tel Aviv office of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Selected papers on new products
The effect of social networks structure on innovation performance: A review and directions for research
co-authored with Renana Peres, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2019. Read paper.
Decomposing the value of word-of-mouth seeding programs: Acceleration vs. expansion
co-authored with Barak Libai and Renana Peres. Recipient of the 2016 Emerald Citation of Excellence Award,
Journal of Marketing Research. Read paper.
The chilling effects of network externalities
co-authored with Jacob Goldenberg and Barak Libai. Recipient of the 2010 Best Paper Award
of the European Marketing Academy, International Journal of Research in Marketing. Read paper.
Innovation diffusion and new product growth: A critical review and research directions
co-authored with Renana Peres and Vijay Mahajan. Recipient of the 2022 Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Award
for Long-Term Impact, International Journal of Research in Marketing. Read Paper.
The NPV of bad news
co-authored with Jacob Goldenberg, Barak Libai and Sarit Moldovan. Recipient of the 2007 Best Paper Award
of the European Marketing Academy, International Journal of Research in Marketing. Read paper.
Waterfall and sprinkler new-product strategies in competitive global markets
co-authored with Shlomo Kalish and Vijay Mahajan. Recipient of the 1995 Best Paper Award
of the European Marketing Academy, International Journal of Research in Marketing. Read paper.
Selected papers on monetization and pricing
On the monetization of mobile apps
co-authored with Gil Appel, Barak Libai and Roni Shachar. Recipient of the 2020 Best Paper Award
of the European Marketing Academy, International Journal of Research in Marketing. Read paper,
Software piracy and outsourcing in two-sided markets
co-authored with Masakazu Ishihara, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2020. Read paper.
Optimal three-part tariff plans
co-authored with Gadi Fibich, Roy Klein and Oded Koenigsberg, Operations Research, 2017. Read Paper.
EasyJet pricing strategy: Should low-fare airlines offer last-minute deals?
co-authored with Oded Koenigsberg and Naufel Vilcassim, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2008. Read paper.
Pricing patterns of cellular phones and phonecalls: A segment-level analysis
co-authored with Dipak Jain and Naufel Vilcassim, Management Science, 1999. Read paper.
Capital investments and price agreements in semicollusive markets
co-authored with Chaim Fershtman, Rand Journal of Economics, 1986. Read paper.